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MessageSolution Technologies for Government

Government agencies at state, local, and federal levels must comply with regulations and guidelines for information archiving and implement retention policies for electronic communications. This includes archiving email, mobile phone communications, and business related social media messages. To be compliant will help your organization prevent sanctions and penalties, and to proactively monitor and avoid the potential risks from any email and social media messaging misuse.

MessageSolution Enterprise Archive eDiscovery Platform enables government organizations to manage the compliance mandates and meet the Freedom of Information Act, Worldwide, government agencies have implemented MessageSolution technologies to reliably comply with environmental standards, create policies, and design green and compliant products. With MessageSolution’s products and online services implemented, government agencies are able to self-monitor the email, phone and social media communications with the public to effectively reduce misuses in communications, prevent potential malware attacks through emails, and fast remediate all office files from the risk of lengthy and costly business interruptions.

Contact MessageSolution to understand the special discount program designed for governments, non-profit educational and organizations of 50 to 75% off the total licensing fee.

The Challenges
Today, electronic documents, files, and emails are the main form of communication within a government organization. These internal documents are classified as public records and must be properly saved and archived for legal compliance, as well as to comply with security measures and ensure government transparency. Under these measures, government agencies are required by law to provide documents, such as internal emails and files for review in a timely fashion.

Within the last decade, the increase in the volume of emails and electronic documents has added an additional burden on government agencies, when they are already struggling with limited resources due to budget cuts. As more regulations such as GLBA, HIPPA, USA PATROIT Act, and FIOA are being passed, government agencies are given an added responsibility and liability to manage storage requirements, email archiving, and eDiscovery. Yet the combination of increased sending, receiving, and retaining data can result in overwhelming storage volumes. Large storage burden poses a constant risk to the primary server functioning, resulting in slow performance and system crashes which slows down the entire organization’s productivity and eat up IT employees’ time to fix it.

Government agencies have also encountered similar situations to those faced by public schools:
1. Public inquires and requests for records under Open Meeting and Freedom of Information Act laws
2. Emails containing offensive or sexual content that violates internal human resource policies
3. Emails and files containing evidence of wrongdoing by a staff member

In all these cases, it is important to retain emails, attachment files, and other electronic records. Archiving emails and electronic files ensures that redeeming information can be accessed from an historical record in time to acquit a government agency of intentional wrongdoing, and at times to locate the source of a problem. Likewise, retention of electronic emails and files can prove the innocence of a staff member in a case of investigation or lawsuit.

Archiving and retain email and electronic files enables government agencies to prove their integrity and encourage accountability among staff members and employees. As corporate scandals have demonstrated, enforcing a retention policy amongst staff is just as important as developing the policy. Even government agencies have made the news for suspicious situations surrounding email use and retention. In the past decade, the United States White House has been consistently facing ongoing investigations into missing emails that, under the White House’s retention policy, should not have been deleted. Such careless data deletion exercise at the highest government administration office (or intentionally deleting selected email data without a compliance archiving system implemented) was clearly one of the reasons that lead the voters’ sentiment of disapproval for the data retention practice (as “what were you hiding?”), in the end it costed one of the major presidential candidates’ election in 2008 primaries.

The Solution

What Can Our Compliance Archiving, eDiscovery and Content Security Solutions Do? MessageSolution award-winning Enterprise Archive Platform enables government agencies to centralize digital data from all data sources for compliance and eDiscovery management, and serve the public with transparency. With industry-leading scalability, MessageSoluton Platform delivers reliable performances with the lowest total cost of ownership.

MessageSolution Platform made large volume data retention and electronic discovery affordable for government agencies with options of on-premise and cloud implementations. Besides enterprise on-premise deployment model, MessageSolution Cloud Archive eDiscovery Online Service delivers a hand-free online service without the need for your organization to purchase hardware, install software, and assign an administrator to manage the system. Ongoing technical or user-group training is provided online to ensure a smooth customer onboard process. MessageSolution was the first enterprise archiving and eDiscovery provider that delivers all 3 deployment models of enterprise on-premise, in cloud, and the MSP Platform hosted by global service providing partners. For minimum system requirements, For minimum system requirements, check out our product data sheets, or contact a MessageSolution representative to request a demo.

Features Benefitting Government Agencies:
Works with any hardware vendor and server environment
Built-in search engine and database means no additional software purchases
Reduces storage requirements to ¼ of original size
24 x 7 support
Archiving and user activities are tracked and logged into audit trails and reports
Supports Latin-based and character-based language searching
Add-in for Outlook, IBM Notes and GroupWise allows end users to access archive through their local email client and online client access or from offline
Web portal access and Enterprise File Archive allows users to access the archive through a web interface or users' email client’s web access

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